
 The Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) is a program by UNICEF designed to address the high unemployment rates among youth in Lebanon & their lack of access to the knowledge economy.




Our mission is to empower, train, and educate disadvantaged youth by giving them access to resources that help them develop their skills, improve their livelihoods, and ultimately shape their own future. Through innovation, technology and an entrepreneurial mindset, we aim to create a generation of young leaders and innovators.

Who We Are & What We Do

The Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) is a program by UNICEF designed to address the high unemployment rates among youth in Lebanon & their lack of access to the knowledge economy.

The world is on the brink of a 4th industrial revolution and it is essential that the youth are equipped with 21st century skills to thrive and become successful in the future. More and more, the demand for skills such as analytical thinking, innovation, active learning, and creativity will continue to grow along with an increasing demand for various forms of technological competency. Currently, these skills are not within the reach of marginalized youth in Lebanon. GIL is a program that leverages the resources available in the digital and knowledge economies to provide learning and work opportunities for youth in the country. GIL is the umbrella program to many workshops, events, initiatives, and training tracks, which are outlined in our 3D Growth Plan. GIL was established with the funding and tremendous support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the German Government.

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