Our Office Locations

Akkar Network for Development - Wadi Khaled

 Wadi Khaled, Akkar

Phone: +961 70 175 309 Ahmad_elmou5tar@hotmail.com

Ahmad Moukhtar


 Saida, South Lebanon

Phone: +961 3 060 129 rsayed@ccias.org.lb

Rana Sayed

Akkar Network for Development - Hrar

Hrar, North Lebanon

Phone: +961 71 750 641 Khaledfaysal.antar@outlook.com

Khaled Antar

Lebanese University - Hadath

Hadath, Greater Beirut

Phone: +961 70 068 322 gil.hadath@ul.edu.lb

Hussein Sleiman

Lebanese University - Tripoli

Qobbe, Tripoli, North Lebanon

Phone: +961 71 783 771 gil.north@ul.edu.lb

Fadi Mousallem

Lebanese University - Nabatieh

Nabatieh, South Lebanon

Phone: +961 78 840 370 gil.south@ul.edu.lb

Nour Nazar

LOST - Bednayel

Bednayel, Baalback

Phone: +961 76 878 814 housseinhaidar9@gmail.com

Houssein Haidar

LOST - Al Ain

Al Ain, Baalback

Phone: +961 71 309 514 hmawla@lostlb.org

Hussein Mawla

Mouvement Social

Bourj Hammoud, Greater Beirut

Phone: +961 78 914 646 j.saade@mouvementsocial.org

Joanne Saade

Rural Entrepreneurs - Choueifat

The Spot Mall, Choueifat, Greater Beirut

Phone: +961 76 516 069 lama@ruralentrepreneurs.org

Lama Salman

Rural Entrepreneurs - Chouf

Baaqline, Chouf, Mount Lebanon

Phone: +961 71 322 825 lora@ruralentrepreneurs.org

Lora Thebian

UNRWA - Nahr el Barid

Nahr el Barid Refugee Camp, North Lebanon

Phone: +961 81 990 285 ah.hasan@unrwa.org

Ahmad Hassan

UNRWA - Siblin

Siblin, Mount Lebanon

Phone: +961 70 712 061 mo.elhaj@unrwa.org

Mohammad el Hajj

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