Nov 10

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GIL Program: Berytech Selects 10 Startups For Advanced Incubation Program

Berytech with the support of UNICEF launched the Advanced Incubation Program for ten startups as part of UNICEF’s Generation of Innovation Leaders Program – GIL, funded by the Government of the Netherlands.

The startups participated in a training by INJAZ and Nawaya Network alongside 400 other startups and will enter a 3-month incubation phase at Berytech to help them re-assess their business model, pitching skills, strategy, and digital marketing plans.

The Incubation Program

Kickoff Hala Nassif, Advanced Incubation Program Lead, conducted a needs assessment to determine the ten startups that will be part of the incubation program. The founders were invited to the Berytech Offices in Mar Roukoz to meet the trainers who will be working with them for the coming months. The Berytech team also held a session with each entrepreneur and their assigned coach to plan the program based on each startup's needs.

Hadil Ankouny, Berytech’s GIL Program Director, discussed the scope of work and goals of the Advanced Incubation Program.

Incubated Startups

The ten startups who will be participating in the program are City Green, Organic Charcoal, Azola, Natural Valley Bounties, Coppe, Waste Lab, Zeraet El Asmek, Cultiva, Mouneh, M Products, and Oyster Mushroom.

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